Privileged persons or entities may be allowed to import vehicles duty free to Kenya.
Persons allowed to import vehicles duty free include but not limited to the following
- UN bodies, and staff
- Diplomats working in Kenya
- Returning residents
- Persons living with disability
- Government of Kenya and project partners
The privileged persons and entities may at some point want to dispose off the motor vehicles after some time, due to reason like, end of contract, need for vehicle upgrade, end of a Government project, gazettement of sale of government vehicles etcetera.
Before ownership of motor vehicle can be transferred to another person, privileged or non-privileged, approval must first be sort from KRA customs Services department by the current owner.
The current owner must enlist the services of a licensed customs agent. Derrickson systems Ltd is a licensed custom clearing and forwarding agent, that is well versed with the East African Community Customs Management act and regulations.
The Customs agent will provide the following services in the indicated order
- Advise on the prerequisite documents required.
- Liaise with valuation section of the customs services department and advise on duty, levies and all taxes payable. Get a quote at
- Prepare customs form C17B form document for purposes of duty payment.
- Facilitate physical verification of the motor vehicle by a customs officer
- Seek approval from the KRA Enforcement department, Vehicle Management Section (VMS). Vehicle details must have been entered in the NTSA’s, TIMS system
- Seek approval from the Customs Valuation Section and facilitate payment of extra taxes and levies not captured on the form C17B
- Seek approval from KRA- Revenue and Regional Coordination (R&RC) Section
- Liaise with the Document Processing Centre and the releasing officer for final approval, clearance and release for further processing with NTSA
- Liaise with the privileged body protocol office to facilitate reregistration and transfer of the motor vehicle at NTSA offices
Below are the prerequisite documents required for customs clearance of vehicles imported duty free before transferring ownership.